The way to bring ideas idea is to let them flower. To consider everything and let the ideas come out, then to shape them based on your experience of what works. Most important of all is to keep pushing and developing your ideas. The difference between good and great writing is that with good writing you quit too soon.

John Perry began his professional career as an advertising copywriter and radio producer in Houston. Later, his interest in music took him to Nashville, TN where he co-founded American Network Radio Productions, which put him in the circle of the era’s biggest country music stars. 

It has never been easier to self-publish a book, but it took a revolution in the industry to make it possible. When John Perry first started writing books in the 1990s, self-publishing was an uphill battle.

If you’ve been taking piano lessons and are ready to invest in your own instrument, there are some things you need to know. At first glance, the range of options can seem overwhelming. However, author John Perry explains that a little bit of research goes a long way towards finding the right instrument at a fair price. As an avid player, John Perry provides some helpful tips when it comes to investing in your first piano.

One of the popular misconceptions about research today is that the Internet holds all the answers. At first glance, the Internet seems to have made research quick and easy. However, all is not what it may seem. There is a great deal of information that researchers will miss using only online sources.

Many would-be writers turn to collaborators for help. An experienced co-writer will be able to sit down with you, plan your project, and guide you through the process of getting your novel written. Another alternative is to hire a ghostwriter, who works behind the scenes to help craft the book you want in your own words.

John Perry, co-author of the New York Times Bestseller Letters to God, which was inspired by the major motion picture of the same name, has been featured in an exclusive new Thrive Global interview. Thrive Global helps the world’s leading enterprises and their people build healthy habits through inspirational storytelling and actionable micro-steps.

How many people have you met who wanted to write a book or start a blog? Maybe you’ve even wanted to be a writer yourself. Writing is a deep-seated desire in people from every walk of life and every level of education and income. Because we humans are natural storytellers, we are driven to share our stories, both true and fictional, with others.

John Perry is a New York Times best-selling author and ghost writer. He has written major biographies of historical figures and co-written popular novels. But, as a student, Perry was drawn to music as well. He studied English and piano at Vanderbilt University and even began his career working as a radio producer in Houston.

Ghost writers are in a unique category when it comes to freelance writers and authors. Instead of taking credit for their own work, they are often paid a premium to remain behind the scene and allow a client to take credit for the finished product. But there’s more to it than that

Whether you write for work, or self-expression, your passion for writing likely ebbs and flows. When you feel inspired, writing flows easily. When you feel disconnected or overwhelmed, writing can feel like pulling teeth. However, New York Times best-selling author John Perry believes that it is possible to sustain a long-term passion for writing if you employ a couple of key strategies. Having written biographies of historical figures including Sergeant Alvin York, Booker T. Washington and Winston Churchill, John Perry has extensive experience experimenting with the writing process.

What do you do when you’re motivated to write, but lack the creative inspiration to get started? This is a question every writer struggles with. As a New York Times best-selling author, author John Perry has a few tricks up his sleeve to keep the creative juices flowing and stay inspired to write. From shifting your focus, to taking it one step at a time, keeping a journal, and joining a writer’s circle, these tips from an accomplished writer can help keep you inspired.

John Perry, co-author of the New York Times Bestseller Letters to God, which was inspired by the major motion picture of the same name, has been featured in an exclusive new Thrive Global interview. Thrive Global helps the world’s leading enterprises and their people build healthy habits through inspirational storytelling and actionable micro-steps.

There has been a growing protest movement that supports the removal of memorials and statues around the world. Author John Perry from Nashville, Tennessee believes that we need to have critical, fact-based discussions about the removal of these statues. Revolutionary movements have been tearing down monuments and statues for centuries.

One of the popular misconceptions about research today is that the Internet holds all the answers. At first glance, the Internet seems to have made research quick and easy. However, all is not what it may seem. There is a great deal of information that researchers will miss using only online sources. As more information and cultural history move online, accessing primary sources will become more difficult.